I am drawn to children (not necessarily the other way around). I am a morning person, even though sometimes it’s a struggle. I love it when I make your eyes smile. I don’t act my age. I have an amazing and beautiful wife, Tina. I love traveling, especially on a photo assignment. I have a never-ending struggle with my weight. I hate learning languages, but I persevere. I adore photography, I think about it every single day. I live in Neverland. I believe in the free market. Cheese is something we eat, not something we say in front of the camera. The best movies are about jails or robberies. I sometimes look in the mirror and think, “Am I really 44?”. My son Pedro is the most incredible little person I have ever met. I fell in love with Seinfeld a long time ago. Tomás is the funniest guy I have met, and I have the good fortune to be his dad. I’m addicted to TV-shows. I love my work and my business. Simon is our youngest spoiled son. I am MIAMI! It took me time to get rid of my CD and DVD collection as they are useless now. I love to read but don’t have the time to do so. I’m into psychoanalysis (very). I suck at telling jokes. I enjoy reading Silverstein books. I like to people watch. Love, is the best ‘show’ I have ever seen. I collect autographed books. My sister is a clown and a doula! I enjoy, like anything else, long talks with Tina. I have kept records of all my emails (attachment free) since 1994. Nikon and Lightroom. I’ve learned to stop talking so much and started listening more. I love what I do. I used to own a hot dog cart. Every day I become a better manager and a worse employee. I love taking pictures. I love to take control. B&H has been a most on every trip to NYC (even if that is the single purpose of the trip). I am Citi. I love Citi. I’m a compulsive shopper (not seriously, but I do sometimes regret it). I have been a Harry Potter fan since the first book came out. Sweatpants are one of the best human inventions. I’m fascinated about wedding photography. I’m a Diet Coke addict. Back-up and back-up again. I paid a lot of money for my wedding pics. The Fountainhead is my favorite book. I got my first SLR when I was 16. It was a Canon. I receive every day a picture of Nina, my beautiful niece. My wife is addicted to Martha Stewart cookbooks. Lots of things make me smile. I wish there were more hours in a day. I will never sell my old cameras. I have the best mother in the world. I cried when I sold my film photo lab gear. I buy magazines (photo ones of course) only when I travel. I have driven a motorcycle for more than 25 years now. I fear I could someday lose my digital negatives. My personal Instagram account has over 25,000 pictures.. its my family album! Changing to mirrorless was as big and important as the change from film to digital. I like finding one of my pictures in someone else’s living room. I consider myself a good friend. But best friends… are mine. Someday I will be a psychoanalyst. Family is everything. Did I say that I love what I do? I’m happy. I love to be. I am Juan Carlos and this is my homepage. The best memories start here…
Thanks for making it this far, please contact me for availability and pricing. I’m currently booking weddings for 2025/2026 and open for portrait or studio sessions.
Juan Carlos Madrigal | jc@juancarlosmadrigal.com.mx | C. +1(786) 918.5350